One of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received has to do with career changes. Simply stated, it is, if you change fields, bring all the skills you’ve learned with you. What are your skills? What do you love doing? What have you studied? Staging your home will be more successful if you bring all…
How to Use Shabby Chic Art

Art in your staged home should emphasize the best qualities your home has.Do you feel that your home is charming and cozy, old fashioned and maybe a little bit country? If so, shabby chic art can be your go-to art style. While too much shabby chic style decor can make a staged home look too girl…
Seen Any Photos of Scantily Dressed Rooms?

Staging is going to make your home show better online, where the first battle for buyers’ attention is being waged. Look at the two photos above and tell me which piques your interest and gives more information about the property. Photo: are different schools of tho…
Decor Trends Favor DIY Home Stagers

I read the news and I like it. Trends in interior decoration are welcome news for DIY home stagers.The trend-spotters are saying that Americans expect to spend more time at home because of the financial crunch.If they're looking for a home to buy, they are more likely than in past years to be lookin…
Cats Don't Have to Stink

The famous Skippy. She is a lady and she never leaves an unpleasant aroma in her wake. I'm spending a few days babysitting my two young grandsons where they live. We're "home alone," while my daughter and her husband take a well deserved vacation. I'm also sitting for Skippy and and Jenga, their tw…
Do You Have a Pre-Showing Checklist?

The cleaner your home is, the more buyers will love it. But you have to live there, too!Your Realtor calls to ask if she can bring someone over, like now. You don't dare say no. Are you ready?Having a checklist on your phone, or else printed (but not left out for home buyers to see!) will come to yo…
What Staging Can't Fix

Know what's fixable, and what isn't. Popcorn ceiling texture is removable, but it's a big hassle. Photo: Never Paint AgainJust like you can't fix stupid, there are some things that home staging just can't fix.Simple staging can't fix things …
Details that Make the Difference

Little things mean a lot. Smart home stagers knowthe importance of details inside and out. What do snowflakes on mittens and brown paper packages tied up with string have in common? Besides being some of Julie Andrews favorite things?They are details!Staging your home for sale? Then, details are yo…
How January Is Good To Home Stagers

My father-in-law had a tradition of opening wide the front door on New Year's Eve to welcome the new year. Are you ready for the adventure ahead in 2011? And, don't you just adore this blue door? This could be the start of something big.This could be the start of the year you sell your house and mak…