My Oscars: If I Had to Choose Just Three Blogs...My Oscars: If I Had to Choose Just Three Blogs...

Maria Killam gets my vote for being the most helpful blogger when it comes to picking paint colors -- a crucial decision for someone staging a home for sale. Can you tell she's passionate about color? Photo: Jennifer HoughtonThere's a ba-zillion decor blogs, and so many creative, inspiring, and inst…

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Five Things to Do to Sell Your HomeFive Things to Do to Sell Your Home

I could not have said it better than Barbara Cocoran did in an interview this week with Matt Lauer.  Funny thing is, watching this video, I count six tips to sell your home. To summarize, Barbara says:1. Time your selling right. February happens to be a good time.2. Price your property 10% below you…

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How to Faux Finish A Plastic Flower PotHow to Faux Finish A Plastic Flower Pot

 What looks like a cast concrete or stone planter is really just a plastic flower pot painted to resemble something much more hefty and pricey. A planter like this one will look great in a staged home, either indoors or out, holding real plants or silks.Take one cheapo plastic flower pot and turn it…

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Strategies for Staging a Vacant HouseStrategies for Staging a Vacant House

Staging an unoccupied house is never easy.One way to soften the look is with somedurable outdoor furniture and routine yard care.You may have inherited it, moved from it, or bought it to flip.How you came to the project of staging a vacant property isn't important.What's important is to get creative…

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50 Reasons I Love My Husband50 Reasons I Love My Husband

The Man: He likes the outdoors, but he won't hunt or fish.1. No matter how crazy my ideas sound to him, he always encourages me to do what I want.2. He smells great, even when he's a mess.3. He's quiet as a mouse in the morning so he doesn't wake me.4. He's quiet all day long.5. We never lack for co…

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What Do Chips and Salsa Have to Do with Home Staging?What Do Chips and Salsa Have to Do with Home Staging?

Recently a recipe of mine was featured on, where the tag line is "Obsessively Interested in All Things Culinary."Stephanie, the brains behind the Foodie-ism site, writes inspiring and informative posts about cooking, nutrition and travel. She's always looking for good recipes from pe…

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If You've Got Location, Flaunt It. Here's How.If You've Got Location, Flaunt It. Here's How.

 Whatever is characteristic of your locale needs to be part of your home's sales pitch. Even though this home is not old, the design and decor styles stay true to historic Southwestern traditions.  Do you have a home in a location that's unique? Do people buy into your area of the country, or your t…

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