Secrets to Successful ThriftingSecrets to Successful Thrifting

Two tall table lamps, only $5 each.Looking to stage your home on a shoestring? Then put Goodwill, Salvation Army and other local thrift stores on your list of places to shop. It's no secret that thrift stores are the places to go for bargains in almost every department.What's not as well known is ex…

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So You Think You're Not the Thrift StoreType?So You Think You're Not the Thrift StoreType?

Are you holding back from shopping at thrift stores because you believe that ... There's only broken down junk there?Everything is old and out of date?Only poor people shop there? You'll never find anything you like in the mess? You need a big imagination for buying second hand stuff?You don't paint…

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My Favorite Fake Plant for Home Staging? Cactus!My Favorite Fake Plant for Home Staging? Cactus!

The only real plant here is the spindly little sedum coming to life after a winter slumber. There are two kinds of people in this world. There are those who adore artificial plants, and those who abhor them.   Maybe there is a third group -- those of us who didn't sign on with either team, but certa…

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I Hereby Declare This Week I Hereby Declare This Week "Curb Appeal Awareness Week"

Mulching makes a huge curb appeal difference.Because in some areas of the country, many of us (lucky ones) are finally able to get out and freshen up our yards, I chose this week to focus attention on landscaping. I'm doing it on Facebook. Won't you join me?Did you know that by clicking on my Facebo…

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Your Basic Goof-Proof Color Scheme: Black and WhiteYour Basic Goof-Proof Color Scheme: Black and White

Want to make the task of choosing colors for home staging easy?  Just go with the ultimate color combination that's not technically about color at all -- black and white. Don't be scared off by decorators telling you that white is sterile. Forget your old notions of black and white being the stuff o…

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A Very Short Course in Herb GardeningA Very Short Course in Herb Gardening

Even if you know zip about gardening, you can add an herb bed to your yard in an afternoon that makes your property look special.Okay, maybe not so it looks as full and lush as the photo at the left, but I'm here to tell you that herb gardens have an almost magic attractiveness, and at the same time…

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Fireplace Facts: Which Way Should Chairs Face and Other Dilemmas.Fireplace Facts: Which Way Should Chairs Face and Other Dilemmas.

Nostalgic today, but essential for heating once upon a time. I've just returned from a local tour of historic homes. I can't get enough of these places. It's like a high for me.I would not want to own and maintain any of these 200- and 300-year old houses, but walk through them? I'm first in line! …

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