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NEw House Designs Modern 2013 House ,3D Front ELevetion.comNEw House Designs Modern 2013 House ,3D Front

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Is Your Mantel Decorated for Fall?Is Your Mantel Decorated for Fall?

Fake, fake, fake...When your home is for sale, some seasonal touches help make the place look tended and freshened.The autumn season, no matter where you live, seems to beg for natural props like leaves, vines, dried berries, and gourds.A fireplace is almost always a room's focal point. And the man…

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How a Sofa Table Can Help You Stage a RoomHow a Sofa Table Can Help You Stage a Room

Ever since I heard of something called a sofa table, I was intrigued. A sofa table is not the same animal as an end table or a coffee table. It's taller and longer.   The handy thing to know about a sofa table is that it can do all kinds of things to make your home staging more effective.The sofa ta…

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Guest Post: A Professional Home Stager Speaks Her MindGuest Post: A Professional Home Stager Speaks Her Mind

Staging calls for rethinking personal preferences.Today we have a special treat because Carol-Anne of Use the Good Dishes blog has agreed to be my guest. It was the name of her blog that caught my eye the first time I saw it, with its subhead, "It's not really about the dishes." When I read the stor…

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It's a Mess Around HereIt's a Mess Around Here

I'm not talking about my housekeeping. I'm talking about the mess left behind by Hurricane Irene. It looks like our yard was where anything in a mile radius that floats on water, ended up.But this can't be true, because every neighbor's yard looks just as bad. I wrote about hurricane damage, and the…

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