Bedroom Staging: DIY Headboard and Make-Believe BedBedroom Staging: DIY Headboard and Make-Believe Bed

Do you need to stage an empty bedroom, or make a glam headboard to gussy up a drab bed?You've probably seen photos and tutorials for DIY headboards on the web, but many of them don’t make sense for someone staging a home for sale.Someone who's trying to save money for that down payment on the next h…

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My Favorite Tips and Tools for a Professional Paint JobMy Favorite Tips and Tools for a Professional Paint Job

I love to paint! It's easy when you have the right equipment.Is your home for sale? Do some rooms need refreshing? Are some wall colors dark or dated? Have you given up trying to scrub away some persistent marks? Does your realtor suggest removing wallpaper? Is your master bedroom dark purple with a…

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Home for Sale? Pretend You Are a Tourist in Your TownHome for Sale? Pretend You Are a Tourist in Your Town

Every home needs a welcome sign.If you are looking for ways to make your home on the market stand out, try looking at it with fresh eyes. The eyes of a tourist to your town.   I checked the stats, and can report to you that according to a 2010 survey by the U.S. Census Bureau, almost 12% of the peop…

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The Trends That Can Update Your HomeThe Trends That Can Update Your Home

A shapely lamp is trendy. Coastal Living.Unless you are a builder, chances are your home for sale is not a new home.But it will be a "new home" to whoever buys it. So, the more successful you are at creating the illusion of newness, the more attractive it looks and feels to house hunters. Even an hi…

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Guest Post: Going beyond Curb Appeal to “Invite AppealGuest Post: Going beyond Curb Appeal to “Invite Appeal"

“I think I’ll keep looking.”photo: Morgan’s Acres Neighborhood | We have a guest poster today. It’s Stacey Sherman who writes the blog, Spiffed-up Spaces.Stacey’s blog and her North Carolina-based business both focus on helping people fine tune their homes to make them practical…

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