Justin and I met ten years ago today! I feel old even saying that, but it's true. Check out my post on My Greatest Hits to see how the last ten years have gone.…
Justin and I met ten years ago today! I feel old even saying that, but it's true. Check out my post on My Greatest Hits to see how the last ten years have gone.…
A front door in Charleston, South Carolina, welcomes the new year. I chose to feature these posts based on how helpful they would be to you if you have a home for sale. Is that you?Let's start with getting it organized. In January I wrote about the dozen rules that help organize your home.In Februar…
The cookbook shelf is one of my favourite elements of the kitchen. I really do think that it it is one of the main details that makes our ikea kitchen look custom. Up until now I haven't had an chance to describe how you can recreate this look - but thanks to some vacation time and Aubrey helping me…
2012 has been a damn good year. So much so that I wanted to relive it with all of you. Here are the Best of 2012 Awards. Best New Hobby: DIY'ing. Moving back into our house means lots of DIY projects and decorating around the house. So I've scoured tons of amazing home blogs for new ideas on what to…
I've had a pretty fun week so far. Even though I've had to work the past few days, they are total sluff off days filled with clearance shopping, browsing new design blogs I've found and having lunch with friends. So let's keep the fun going into the weekend! Here are a couple of small (yet awesome!)…
With orders wrapped up, I closed down the shop at the end of last week and totally unplugged. No e-mails to my phone, no checking twitter, no reading blogs. I needed a little break from it all. Over the last week we've celebrated my Brother's birthday, my half birthday, Christmas Eve dinner, Christm…
With Christmas gifting behind us, retailers across the board are trying to get rid of their product with clearance sales. I think I've found my new favorite shopping day - the day after Christmas! Who needs Black Friday when there are 50-70% off deals on the same product, just one month later. Worki…
Well, I just got back from the Target store on my Holiday clearance excursion. And no, I did not come back with five bags worth of holiday things..... I'm ready for Christmas next year!I hope everyone had a great holiday with their friends and family. Next up, New Years! Any big plans? …
Le blog prend maintenant quelques jours de repos, mais la boutique reste ouverte pendant toutes les fêtes (aucune expédition les 24-25/12 et le 31/12-1/1). Et vous pouvez bien sur continuer à jouer au calendrier de l'Avent.En vous remerciant pour toutes vos visites ici et dans la boutique, je vous s…
Désolée d'être si en retard avec le Calendrier de l'Avent, mais j'étais un peu prise par les préparations de Noël... Félicitations à Morgane, tu es la gagnante du 3ème jeu concours du calendrier! J'espère que la main en bois aidera ta nièce à intégrer une école d'art :) Merci d'envoyer tes coordonné…
Aubrey, Oscar, my sister and I drove down to see The Hudson's Bay Christmas Windows this week. It was my sisters idea to go down - she e-mailed me a link to this article in the Toronto Star and I realized we just had to visit with Oscar. Although we used to do this as kids, it has been years since I…
Normalement, nous partons en Suède pour Noël et/ou Nouvel An, mais cette année on reste en France... alors Noël sera vert, aussi bien à l'extérieur qu'à l'intérieur!Plus d'inspirations de Noël ici.Normally we go to Sweden for Christmas and/or New Year, but this year we're staying in France... so it …