Have you ever been to a class reunion?  No?  You're missing a chance to reflect on your life.
Yesterday I flew to New York, where my Brooklyn-based sister met me.  Today we drove together to Connecticut so we could both attend my high school reunion.  It's my first, exactly 50 years to the day when 180 of us graduated from a brand new high school.  What surprised me is how bonded and close all the members of our class felt.  From what I could tell, all the old divisions of cliques and status were gone.

Maybe it was because everyone in the room was the same age.  How often does that happen after you've left school?  Maybe it was because, as the first class to move through a new high school, with no upperclassmen ahead of us, we developed a special closeness.

It was a unique situation.  Can you imagine being able to draft your own student council charter, choose your school colors, name the teams, vote on the school song, design the crest?  It was like starting your own small democracy or corporation, and I think it gave all of us good experience and greater confidence.

We also initiated our own school news magazine and yearbook.  Under the tutelage of our advisor, Mr. Robert L.Bachman, both of our publications took prizes at the Columbia University's Scholastic Press Association.  Thanks, Mr. Bachman, for developing in me an appreciation of good journalism.

Mr. Bachman wasn't at the reunion dinner this evening, but one of my English teachers, Mrs. Anna A. Malootion was, so I was able to thank her for teaching me how to diagram sentences and thereby understand the relationship between nouns and verbs and adjectives and adverbs and prepositions and modifiers.  I ate it up!

My algebra and geometry teacher, Miss Dorothy Smolenski, was also at the dinner.  She taught me that when the thought process follows a logical progression, you end up with a conclusion -- a novel concept for an artistic type like myself.

What has this to do with staging a home for sale?  Not a heck of a lot.  But as a grandma blogger, I'm giving you the advice that if you can't decide whether you should go to a class reunion or not, go!  Besides the pleasure of connecting with old friends (and when it gets to be the 50th reunion, we really are old  friends), maybe you'll have a chance to thank some of the people who made a difference in your life.


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