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so I apparently have no life because this excites I apparently have no life because this excites me....

I was at Metro and saw my favourite summer drink - Simply Lemonade both in stock AND it was on sale. I actually gasped out loud. And quickly put two in my cart. And then snapped a picture to show Aubrey. Nerd alert. Happy Friday. ;) xo…

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DIY weekend projectsDIY weekend projects

With another backyard party happening at our house this weekend, backyard landscaping is still hot on my mind. While searching for different ways to landscape a small backyard easily, yet functionally, I stumbled upon The Handmade Home. You'll have to check out her backyard makeover. It's so great!!…

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I used a power tool! I used a power tool!

With a carpenter as a husband, I don't really have the need to use power tools. He takes care of all the messy stuff as we're slowly updating our home. But with him knee deep in sheetrocking, taping and mudding our bathroom, I'm left to my own devices.Cue my very first power tool.Can you see how exc…

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bathroom renovation updatesbathroom renovation updates

Although some may have seen some updates on my Instagram last night, I thought it was time for some decent photographs of the process of the washroom. :) Above was one of my biggest concerns, the bump out. As you may recall we chose to take up unused hallway space and give it to the washroom - I was…

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SOLDES -50%!SOLDES -50%!

Les SOLDES D'ETE ont commencé dans le shop avec -50% sur une sélection d'articles! Vite, vite...(cliquer sur l'image pour voir tous les produits soldés)SUMMER SALES have started in the shop with 50% off selected items! Hurry, hurry... (click on the image to see all products on sale)…

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cookbook recommendationcookbook recommendation

Cookbook recommendation! My Mom made me home made pasta for my birthday and revealed that it came from one of her favourite cookbooks. Sharing the Table by Amanda Stine and Mary Garland. Amazing. Also available at …

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Cet appartement de 29 m2 est en fait situé en Pologne, même si le style fait bien scandinave. J'aime beaucoup comment l'architecte a utilisé des panneaux OSB pour aménager et optimiser l'espace, qui pourtant reste lumineux et spacieux malgré le nombre de m2 limité.This 29 sqm flat is actually locate…

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The Rules? They're simple!
  1. Take a picture of your DIY and link it up below. 
  2. Text link back to Home Coming or pick up The DIY'ers button from the left sidebar and include it in your post so others can get involved in The DIY'ers.
  3. Become a follower of Home Coming. I'd love to have you! 

The DIY'ers! The DIY'ers!

It's time again to show off your latest DIY project! Welcome to The DIY'ers!Last week I fell in love with these three DIY projects. I especially love the Rainbow Party because we'll be hosting a Pride Weekend lunch at our house before the big weekend's festivities start with our family & friends! (F…

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Quick and Dirty Tips for Plant ContainersQuick and Dirty Tips for Plant Containers

It's not a rule that plants have to go in traditional planters. I found this basket for my zinnias at Salvation Army for 59 cents.  Let’s bust up some myths about container planting. Let’s make the containers themselves interesting and fun. I know I’m forever telling you home sellers to stifle your …

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Bloggers Universe Copenhagen - &traditionBloggers Universe Copenhagen - &tradition

Nous ne connaissions pas le programme à l'avance pour notre Design Trade blog tour à Copenhague, du coup, chaque visite était une belle surprise. La rencontre avec &tradition dans le studio de Norm Architects par exemple, était une surprise très sympa, tout comme le challenge stylisme qu'ils nous on…

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front landscapingfront landscaping

Our front porch planters that I've blogger about here and here didn't make it through this season. So sad. :( The metal rusted and dirt started spilling out the bottom earlier this week.  When I was at Lowes this week  I spotted these plastic planters that were gooooorgeous. They don't look like pla…

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50% off calling cards50% off calling cards

If you're on my shop's e-mail list you would have heard that I brought back calling cards to my shop and about the crazy sale of 50% off that ran all last week. My calling cards been absent from my shop for almost a year while I searched for the perfect paper for the cards - so to celebrate their re…

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Styrmansgatan 57Styrmansgatan 57

Joli petit appartement à Stockholm avec tous les "bons" détails: du marbre, du laiton, des chaises Wishbone, des posters Sennerholt/Warhol/New York, des succulents... ;)En vente ici, via seventeendoors.Nice little flat in Stockholm with all the "right" details: marble, brass, Wishbone chairs, Senner…

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