Happy Monday. (Is that an Oxymoron?) Monday's for me are a welcomed day because Aubrey is off work, so it's really the start of our weekend. It's a little crazy over here, a lot of new developments for the shop, my art, and this little blog that is my hobby has presented some really fun projects (like Telus!) so I'm feeling really grateful these days. Unlike in the Winter where I was lacking in the creativity department - I'm now overflowing with ideas. That's the joy, and at the same time the downside of being self employed and relying on your creativity - nothing is ever consistent (work or creativity) which means you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps when it does come around. (Am I talking like an old lady?)

I'm actually heading off for the next few days to go to my cottage with my Mom (no child!) and we're going to do some cleaning up of the cottage, some painting and tidying up before the season begins. I have tons to blog about but unfortunately, time is lacking so I leave you with a collage of what the household has been like these days above. (via Instagram)

xo Lindsay


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