1 Kanal Corner Plot @ 2 House Design Lahore Beautiful House 1 Kanal  Modern 3D Front elevation.com - Dimentia1 Kanal Corner Plot @ 2 House Design Lahore Beautiful House 1 Kanal Modern 3D Front elevation.com - Dimentia

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Thoughts on blog monetization in CanadaThoughts on blog monetization in Canada

My mind is still working away from last Saturday and the conversation of monetizing blogs. It's a hot topic and there are a lot of varying opinions out there. For the evening read, here are two posts I really like that I think pose two unique views:  Is your Blog the Show or the Commercial and On Pr…

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kitchen progresskitchen progress

Aubrey took down the upper cabinets! We posted the cabinets on Craigslist and found someone that just wanted to buy the uppers. So much better than seeing them go to the dump. Baby steps!…

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Tivoli AudioTivoli Audio

One thing I'm really looking forward to is "accessorizing" the new kitchen. One thing that is on my wish list  is a Tivoli radio that I heard about from Lesley (@smidgeboxdesign). Do you have a radio in your kitchen? I think it may be quite nice to put some classical on very softly at night, or list…

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Synnöve MorkSynnöve Mork

J'ai posté sur facebook aujourd'hui le lien vers une belle maison de campagne sur Gotland, cette île magnifique dans la mer Baltique. Ce soir, je tombe sur des nouvelles photos de la  maison de vacances de Synnöve Mork, designer et styliste suédoise, située sur Gotland aussi. Alors voilà, encore un …

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lost in a sea of boxes + selling my artlost in a sea of boxes + selling my art

Excuse the radio silence today. I'm lost in a sea of boxes as we pack up the kitchen to prepare for demo. I'm also lost in a sea of laundry as I pack to move into my Mom's house with Oscar. (While Aubrey stays here to renovate) I've closed my shop for a few weeks which has relieved some of the press…

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Picking HandlesPicking Handles

We're back to picking elements for the kitchen as we get closer to the demo date. We're now deciding on cabinetry hardware.I think hardware is a huge factor in determining the style of your kitchen.  Because of how much I think it affects the look of the room, and how much touching it gets - it is o…

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Happy Birthday, OscarHappy Birthday, Oscar

Two years ago, I became a Mom -  today is Oscar's second birthday. Although there are a lot of memories and emotions that could be documented, one of my favourite memories was seeing Aubrey with Oscar minutes after his birth. A few days before Oscar's arrival Aubrey had casually said in passing that…

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Effet Effet "dip dye"... encore

Les paniers de Martha continuent à inspirer... voici la version IKEA, tout aussi sympa! "Dip-dying" (plonger l'objet dans la peinture) et toujours le moyen le plus simple de donner un coup de neuf à vos paniers d'été. On peut aussi utiliser un rouleau mousse si on n'a pas assez de peinture, ou si on…

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Summer mixSummer mix

... parce que c'est bien l'été là, non? :)... because summer's here now, right? :) Source 1.3.4. Plaza Interiör / styling Anna Mård / photo Karin Foberg, Bakers Royale, 6. IKEA, 8. Daniella Witte, 9.10 Hus & hem / photo Peter Carlsson…

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If you were at BlogPodium, you'll know I'm pretty open with sharing information about my blog, what I charge, how I monetize, whether you should always charge (I don't think you should) and so on. I don't really talk about it much on my blog because I don't know if you want to know that kind of stuf…

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News: This Blog Wins a Spot on the Top 100 ListNews: This Blog Wins a Spot on the Top 100 List

Home Decorating and Staging, a site for DIY fanatics, writes about easy ways to declutter, so you can end up with a look like this, from Better Homes and Gardens.Don’t you love receiving an email that starts out, “We are pleased to inform you …”I mean one that’s not from Nigeria.I won an award. An o…

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BlogPodium wrap up....BlogPodium wrap up....

For the past five months Jen and I have been planning our second BlogPodium and Saturday was the big day. :) This event was twice the size of our first event, and quadruple the amount of planning. The topic of this event was "The Business of Blogging" There was a panel discussion, keynote speech fro…

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Krista KeltanenKrista Keltanen

L'autre jour, je suis tombée sur le blog photo de la photographe finlandaise Krista Keltanen, et j'ai trouvé plein de belles images! Les photos ci-dessous sont des photos d'intérieurs de différentes maisons, mais vous en trouverez plein d'autres sur son blog et sur son site.J'espère que vous profite…

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