The DIY'ers

Welcome to the first ever DIY'ers link party. I'm so glad you're here!

Each and every Monday I'll host a link party for everyone to share their latest DIY projects (recipes included!!) so the rest of us can get a little inspiration.

My first share with The DIY'ers is this awesome couch sleeve that Justin made for our new couch. We don't have enough room in our house to have an end table on each side of the couch, so Justin being the genius that he is, built a really simple couch sleeve with a cup holder built in!

DIY couch sleeve

Want to know how to DIY it?

DIY Couch Sleeve
*The cupholder can be pretty involved, so I won't be posting a DIY for that element. However, if you'd like instructions feel free to email me and I'd be more than happy to write something up!

Step 1: Measure the width of your arm rest, and add around 1/8".

Step 2: Take a 1x12 of your desired wood and bevel cut at a 45 degree angle (aka. an angled cut with a miter saw) to the width of you measured in Step 1. This measurement will be the short-point of your 45 degree bevel cut.

Step 3: Determine the length you'd like your sleeve. Bevel cut this piece also at 45 degrees. For reference, ours is 7 inches from the long-point of the bevel cut to the square cut (bottom).

Step 4: Glue beveled pieces together. Nail through the beveled pieces as well from the top & sides to hold pieces together while the glue dries. We used a 23 gauge pin nailer.

Step 5: Fill nail holes with stainable wood filler and sand to flat once dry.

Step 6: Stain wood if desired.

And now it's your turn! Show off your latest DIY projects below. 

The DIY'ers

The Rules? They're simple!
  1. Take a picture of your DIY and link it up below. 
  2. Text link back to Home Coming or pick up The DIY'ers button from the left sidebar and include it in your post so others can get involved in The DIY'ers.
  3. Become a follower of Home Coming. I'd love to have you!


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