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Happy Easter! Oscar, 2 months shy of his 3rd birthday, totally got the Easter egg hunt this morning. It was ridiculously cute and it brought back a lot of childhood memories. I hope you all have a lovely Easter. xo LindsPs., I think the Easter bunny found the Frog & Bunny eggs from the newly opened …

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Happy Easter!Happy Easter!

Je ne suis pas du genre à décorer ma maison pour Pâques, et je n'ai pas d'oeufs peints maison à vous montrer non plus... A la place, je vous souhaite de très Joyeuses Pâques ou Glad Påsk avec cette photo colorée de Svenskt Tenn - reposez-vous, profitez-en et mangez plein de chocolats! C'est en tout …

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Spring One of a Kind ShowSpring One of a Kind Show

My Mom and I went to the late night shopping event at the One of a Kind show last evening. So much fun. I found that there was a lot of reasonably priced art and sweet little items. I appreciate not everyone that reads my blog is from Toronto (or can make it to the show) but every vendor I asked has…

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DIY Weekend ProjectsDIY Weekend Projects

Now that we have a bed in the guest bedroom, it's time to rework that room a bit to make it work. Right now the bed is so large (and the room is so small) that the door won't even open all the way!! So one of the things on our to-do list for the near future is to put in a sliding door, and maybe eve…

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Spring FeverSpring Fever

Even though it doesn't feel like it, Spring is coming. I just have to keep reminding myself that I won't be trapped in winter forever. So boy, do I have Spring Fever. All of the retailers have their patio furniture out, and I'm itching to buy some things for our "new" house, but until the snow melts…

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L'usine de chapeaux de paille... suiteL'usine de chapeaux de paille... suite

Vous vous souvenez peut-être des photos du projet de réhabilitation d'une ancienne usine de chapeaux de paille à Stockholm? Elles avaient circulé un peu partout l'année dernière... Et bien, l'architecte Andreas Martin-Löf a été tellement séduit par son projet qu'après avoir dessiné les 39 appartemen…

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One of a Kind Show, Easter Table DesignOne of a Kind Show, Easter Table Design

The One of a Kind Show starts today, and I was honoured to have been one of two people asked to design an Easter tablescape that was on display at the show. The task was to design an Easter themed table setting the incorporated 3 items from artisans that are exhibiting at the show. More after the ju…

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Broberg & RidderstråleBroberg & Ridderstråle

Les designers/architectes d'intérieur suédois Broberg & Ridderstråle font partie de mes designers contemporains préférés. Prenez leur collection Tati pour Asplund par exemple: des lignes épurées, un beau mélange de matériaux, des jolies nuances de couleur - la perfection pure! Ils ont également créé…

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Striped Curtain InspirationStriped Curtain Inspiration

I've given you all a preview to the striped curtains I'm DIY'ing for my living room here, and they're starting to come together. It's been a long, long process - much longer than I planned - but I'm getting there! I have four of the five panels painted, and three of the five panels hung up on the wa…

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1 Kanal Plot House Design Europen style  in Bahria Town, Lahore, Pakistan1 Kanal Plot House Design Europen style in Bahria Town, Lahore, Pakistan

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bunny place card holdersbunny place card holders

I decided to make some seating cards for the Easter table. Originally I was going to use just some sculpey and make a circle to hold a card - but then at the last minute I added ears and I think they are super cute. Here's how I did it. Step 1: Roll a circle out of Sculpey + take your seating card (…

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J'ai repéré quelques jolies lampes Grasshopper dans cet appartement à Malmö... Dessinée par Greta Magnusson Grossman en 1947, la lampe sauterelle a été rééditée en 2011 par Gubi. J'en prendrai bien une pour chez moi. Je prendrai bien tout l'appartement d'ailleurs.Bonne semaine!Spotted a few Grasshop…

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gold scissors, take twogold scissors, take two

As much as I liked (and still use) my DIY gold scissors I continued to lust after the "real" thing even after my spray paint project. That's the thing about DIY's - Sometimes a DIY will hold you off from spending big bucks money. Like our Rast side tables. (They are still going strong, still love th…

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The Rules? They're simple!
  1. Take a picture of your DIY and link it up below. 
  2. Text link back to Home Coming or pick up The DIY'ers button from the left sidebar and include it in your post so others can get involved in The DIY'ers.
  3. Become a follower of Home Coming. I'd love to have you! 

The DIY'ers and a DIY curtain previewThe DIY'ers and a DIY curtain preview

Who knew that painting grey stripes on white curtains was so time intensive?? My mother/daughter DIY weekend resulted in leg & back aches and only three of five curtains painted. Whew!So here's a preview of my DIY painted curtains. Hopefully I'll finish them up later tonight.And now it's your turn! …

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Pastel Colors: Good or Bad for Staging Your Home? Pastel Colors: Good or Bad for Staging Your Home?

If you want to stage with pastels, there are dos and don'ts to learn.When you think of pastel colors, do you envision sickeningly sweet pinks, lackluster yellows, and hospital room greens?That kind if thinking is so yesterday. Pastels can be just the ticket not only for home staging, but for home de…

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easter goodieseaster goodies

So just a few Easter things going on over here. First, it's worth re posting this project that will occupy your time with the littles this week. Simple DIY painted rocks that look like Easter Eggs will give you hours of fun and not to mention some pretty cool decorations for the house. I'll probably…

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Vente éphémère!Vente éphémère!

Je suis ravie de vous annoncer que nous préparons une nouvelle vente éphémère à Paris! Du 10 au 14 avril, en plein coeur du Marais, vous pourrez (re)découvrir les univers de Happy Home, Le Repère des Belettes et La Maison d'Anna G. Des objets de décoration contemporaine, vintage et scandinave, de la…

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DIY Weekend ProjectsDIY Weekend Projects

I'm so excited for this weekend to be here because my mom is coming for a mother/daughter DIY weekend!!!Even though she only lives three hours away, I haven't seen her since Christmas and I can't wait for her to get here. She'll be bringing her sewing machine to teach me how to sew (or try!!) so we …

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bits + pieces bits + pieces

Another "iphone" post for my blog. Again, this is howI feel my week has been - random. I feel like we're all over the place trying to fit everything in that we need to do. Anyhow, here are some things worth sharing to end the week. xo My friend Jenny has a super cute Easter post on her blog. She jus…

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Un peu d'inspiration danoise...Un peu d'inspiration danoise...

Une sélection de jolis espaces de vie, trouvés sur le site du magazine danois Alt for damerne.A selection of beautiful living spaces, found on the website of Danish magazine Alt for damerne.Source Alt for damerne…

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