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  1. Take a picture of your DIY and link it up below. 
  2. Text link back to Home Coming or pick up The DIY'ers button from the left sidebar and include it in your post so others can get involved in The DIY'ers.
  3. Become a follower of Home Coming. I'd love to have you! 
P.S. Don't forget to enter my giveaway in honor of the Breaking Bad series finale last night. Win a Breaking Bad printable from Hope Prevails! Enter through this post.  

Breaking Bad Giveaway
The DIY'ers #31The DIY'ers #31

Happy Monday & welcome back to The DIY'ers. We had some great link ups last week, and here are my Top Three.Alexis at Persia Lou shares this beautiful "Love Us" gold leaf canvas art.And because gold is so hot right now, Life At Home shared an awesome DIY Bar Cart out of a simple wire shelfAmy from H…

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What Makes a Great Tablescape?What Makes a Great Tablescape?

A good tablescape juxtaposes rustic and refined, tall and short, new and old.Do you wonder why, despite your efforts, your tabletop displays don’t look like those you see in magazines and decorator showhouses?There are some simple steps you can take to turn those lackluster displays into pleasing, v…

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Wood Slices + Sanders Wood Slices + Sanders

During the wedding planning for my brother's wedding, one thing that the lovebirds knew that they wanted were slices of wood for their centerpiece. Unfortunately - finding slices of wood locally proved to be impossible. Although we found them on Etsy they were pretty expensive to ship to Canada. I k…

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1 Kkanal Old Design Convert to Modern Contemporary Design,Renovation, in Valencia Town Lahore1 Kkanal Old Design Convert to Modern Contemporary Design,Renovation, in Valencia Town Lahore


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Moving in: SamaritgrändMoving in: Samaritgränd

Encore une mise en scène amusante par Fantastic Frank, la plus créative de toutes les agences immobilières... Ce studio se trouve à Stockholm et est en vente ici.Je vous souhaite un très bon weekend!Another fun styling by Fantastic Frank, the most creative of all real estate agencies... This studio …

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bits + pieces bits + pieces

Happy Friday! I have a whack load of projects on the go, all worthy of blog posts but every night when I typically would come down to my office to write or, get some extra hours of work in - I'd head up to bed, curl up and watch trash TV. It was one of those weeks of feeling bummed out and at the sa…

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DIY Weekend ProjectsDIY Weekend Projects

Hi Friends. HApppyyy Friday!Justin & I are in Fargo for a wedding through tomorrow morning, but we're still going to find a small amount of time for some DIY'ing.One of the DIY projects that will be coming up in our future is building some furniture for our bedroom reno! Since Justin is so talented,…

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Small space living: good examples...Small space living: good examples...

Si vous me suivez depuis longtemps, vous savez que j'ai déjà parlé de compact living plusieurs fois. Essayer d'optimiser un espace limité, le rendre à la fois fonctionnel et esthétique, c'est tout un art et aussi une réalité pour beaucoup de gens - moi comprise!En regardant les appartements en vente…

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