Lately I've been inspired by nature and I'm working on a series of sketches with cacti, succulents, coral, and palms. So it was great fun to be in a location a few weeks ago where coral and palms were in abundance.

Each day I kept diving to find cool pieces of coral underwater for Oscar and he'd be so excited when I'd come back up on the beach with a few in my hand ... "ooooo! oooo! I like that one!" He'd say. And then he would run back up the beach to put them in his bag. I felt like I was the coolest person on earth to my little guy, and that was a pretty nice feeling. I brought some pieces of the broken off coral home - washed them, soaked them in a bleach solution to get any stinkies away and Oscar and I have been examining the pieces with great interest.

It helped that we had watched some of the Blue Planet Natural History of the Ocean on Netflix a few days prior to leaving. It was really cool learning about coral and how it lives, and survives. So it gave Oscar and I some talking points when holding up the pieces that had broken off and washed into the beach area. 


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