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White with contrastsWhite with contrasts

En tombant à l'instant sur cet appartement très blanc et aéré sur Stadshem, j'ai été séduite par la façon dont on a ajouté des détails plus foncés en vert olive, brun et cuivre pour contraster avec le fond blanc immaculé. J'aime beaucoup aussi toutes ces plantes vertes qui rendent plus vivant un int…

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end of summer saleend of summer sale

Not to bombard everyone with a ridiculous amount of posts in one day but I figured this one was too good not to post. Save 20% on everything in the shop. Enter SAVE20 when checking out. That is all! xo…

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bits + piecesbits + pieces

I haven't done a bits + pieces in awhile. I love having a theme on the blog but life takes over. This summer has been filled with being outdoors, hosting potluck dinners with neighborhood friends and kiddos, enjoying the sun with Aubrey and Oscar, cottage trips with my family, getting Oscar prepared…

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DIY Wood Candle HoldersDIY Wood Candle Holders

When my Brother and Sister-in-Law were planning their wedding, the theme, much like their living room inspiration was to be rustic and comfortable, outdoorsy and have elements of nature and wood. It was then that I came across imagery of candles on wood as centerpieces, and fell in love with the loo…

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DIY Tribal HangerDIY Tribal Hanger

Hi friends - I'm over at My Crafty Spot showing off how I DIY'ed this cool Tribal Hanger with nothing but spray paint and Sharpie markers. A set of these will be a nice pop of color and excitement in our closet!Come on over to My Crafty Spot to check it out!…

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The Rules? They're simple!
  1. Follow each host somehow; any way is fine! 
  2. Take a picture of your DIY and link it up below. 
  3. Text link back to one of our hosts or pick up The DIY'ers button from the left sidebar and include it in your post so others can get involved in The DIY party. 
  4. Please do not promote giveaways, other link parties, or items for sale
  5. By entering a link, you're giving us permission to feature and image on our blogs 

The DIY'ers #15The DIY'ers #15

Happy Tuesday everyone, and thanks for coming back to The DIY'ers link party!These three lovely ladies and I are here itching to see what DIY projects you've been working on lately!Ashley @ Bigger Than the Three of UsJennifer @ Brave New HomeStephanie @ Simply Dream & CreateThis week, I got the hono…

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Decorating with Leon's / The Couch (Sponsored)Decorating with Leon's / The Couch (Sponsored)

So....time to reveal what the newlyweds picked as part of our Leon's collaboration! I'm going to break this up into two posts and as you can see from the above - I'm obviously revealing the sofa that they chose. The couch that they fell in love with is called the Tristan. Does it look familiar? If y…

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Je voulais juste partager cette jolie photo que Johanne de Scandinavian Love Song a pris du cintre oiseau Krummi commandé dans mon shop! Vous trouverez plein d'autres photos inspirantes sur son instagram et aussi sur son blog. Merci Johanne :)Bonne semaine à tous!Just wanted to share this nice pictu…

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save 20% on prints at Indigo (ends the 22nd)save 20% on prints at Indigo (ends the 22nd)

I'm not going to lie. It's kind of cool when I visit Indigo and see my artwork on the front page. ;) They are having a Baby Event right now so you can save 20% on artwork (like mine!) Although my art is being marketed as part of their nursery collection, I think would go in playrooms and even rooms …

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New dusty shades from Jotun LadyNew dusty shades from Jotun Lady

Cette semaine, le fabricant de peintures norvégien Jotun a lancé une nouvelle collection de peintures dans cette palette de couleurs grisées que l'on verra beaucoup cet automne à mon avis. La collection Lady Balance se décline en 3 thèmes: Balance - nuances de vert, Beauty - chair/rose/rouge et Simp…

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Kelim rugsKelim rugs

J'ai toujours eu un faible pour les tapis kelim, surtout quand ils viennent réchauffer un intérieur blanc et épuré. Ce loft sous les toits, vu sur Trendenser, n'a pas seulement une belle architecture, une adresse parfaite (le quartier de Söder à Stockholm) et un mélange de styles intéressant, il a a…

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