Sometimes you have to shake things up.  For awhile I've felt that the title of my blog "Little House Blog" isn't reflective of everything that I share here. In addition to the frustration on the name of the blog, I've struggled with the limitations on design that having a Blogger blog has. I'm finicky with the look of a blog. The difference between 1 pixel or 2 I notice. Blogger has been awesome for awhile, but I knew it was time for a change. I adore blogging because it gives me an outlet for creativity - but when your canvas is limiting, well, it's frustrating.  In the blogger world, a blog move is a little panicky. I'll loose readers! Oh no! What if people don't follow. But I've long explained that blogging is for me, a great outlet and so I can't stay here, for fear of no one coming over. Sometimes you just follow your gut. 

You can now follow me at 

The benefit to the new site is I can organize things better, give more information - helpful information to those who visit. Better images, better overall. Plus, I can be more creative over there, and not limited by this site design or, the name. 

The posts and comments will stay on this blog but, they have copied / migrated over to my new site. 


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