Noir et grisNoir et gris

Demain je repars à Stockholm: évènement bloggers, design week, salon du meuble... journées chargées et inspirantes en perspective! Vous pouvez me suivre sur Instagram si vous voulez (anna_g).En attendant, voici un peu d'inspiration en noir et gris - un beau mélange reposant, encore plus joli avec un…

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New York International Gift FairNew York International Gift Fair

The main reason for the trip to NYC this past week was to attend the New York International Gift Fair. Although I've attended gift shows in the past, this was my first "big" show and I wanted to see if I could find some new items to broaden the selection in my shop.  Here are a few booths that I dro…

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Home from New YorkHome from New York

I'm back from New York - it was amazing. We visited with friends, shopped the gift show, did some sight seeing, saw a Broadway play. We packed a lot into a short period of time. The weather was perfect - even the occasional rainfall seemed beautiful. I just flew in this afternoon, and I am playing c…

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Bright Kitchen InspirationBright Kitchen Inspiration

Remember last week when I shared a collection of my favorite neon kitchen accessories to amp up your kitchen's style? Well, my obsession with neon kitchens couldn't just stop there. It's like an itch that I just can't scratch. I love bright decor!Here are some beautiful kitchens and dining rooms tha…

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Dans l'atelier de KajsaDans l'atelier de Kajsa

Hier soir j'ai rajouté ces superbes céramiques de Kajsa Cramer à la boutique. J'avais eu un vrai coup de coeur pour ses vases et photophores en biscuit de porcelaine quand je les avais repérés la première fois, et je crois que ceux qui les ont vus à la boutique éphémère à Paris en novembre dernier s…

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The pleasure and pain of owning dogsThe pleasure and pain of owning dogs

As an owner of two rescued dogs, I've often been asked by friends if we'd recommend them to do the same. And for most we say the same thing: Dogs are wonderful to have, but they're also a lot of hard work. They'll change your life forever, and you need to be ready for that change.I've been thinking …

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Une touche de néonUne touche de néon

Une touche de néon sur un fond blanc immaculé, ca vous dit? Via Husligheter avec remerciements.Bonne semaine!A touch of neon on a clean white backdrop, anyone? Via Husligheter with thanks.Have a great week!Source Interiørmagasinet / styling Kirsten Visdal / photo Studio Dreyer/Hensley…

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It has arrived It has arrived

Our new couch arrived on Friday afternoon! I'm in love. Lookit how pretty it is!It's really starting to transform our living room into what I've envisioned. Look at what a difference it makes! Here's a before picture of the living room with our old, ratty green couch.Only five more things on my Livi…

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When Hubby Says No, and Other Home Staging ProblemsWhen Hubby Says No, and Other Home Staging Problems

To plot to not to plot? Your questions help me help you. Whether the questions come through email, blog comments, Facebook, or friends, they tell me what nitty-gritty dilemmas people face when they want to sell a house.Here are some of the questions I’ve received lately, and my answers.Let Garden Gr…

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J'ai enfin eu le temps de trier mes photos de Maison&Objet! Comme je faisais partie du jury pour le prix Les Découvertes, j'ai surtout passé du temps dans le hall 6 - Accessoires de maison/Moving, le secteur qui m'avait été attribué. A part mon coup de coeur à qui j'avais décerné le prix, voici d'au…

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تصميم فيلا خارجي - تصميم فيلا-صور - إرسال تقرير للإبلاغ عن صورتصميم فيلا خارجي - تصميم فيلا-صور - إرسال تقرير للإبلاغ عن صور

تصميم فيلا خارجي - تصميم فيلا-صور - إرسال تقرير للإبلاغ عن صورSaudi Arabia Villa Design and Map ,…

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