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Home Renovation: Progress UpdateHome Renovation: Progress Update

Justin and I have been knee-deep in our home renovation for three weeks and we're making a ton of progress! This is my first home renovation, and it's ended up being so much more work that I expected. Justin tried to warn me (since home builds and renovations are part of his job), but I just didn't …

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Reveal! Our super tiny washroom renovationReveal! Our super tiny washroom renovation

So it's time to reveal our washroom renovation. :) I am so, so, so happy with how it turned out. Every night I have a bubble bath and unwind and I look around and feel like I'm in a fancy hotel. Although I designed the room (picking the finishes, faucets etc) Aubrey did all the work making it come t…

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on etsy....on etsy....

Just a quickie today to mention that Etsy invited me to create a branded page with my finds. Whooooo! I am obsessed with categorizing my finds. I'll go into some of the sections later on but I thought I'd just mention my new obsession. xo Linds…

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Look for Less Design ChallengeLook for Less Design Challenge

Welcome to the first ever Look for Less Design Challenge! Today, myself and six other amazing DIY'ers are sharing some great projects that we DIY'ed as part of our Look for Less Design Challenge.The Challenge idea is to find something you'd love to buy but is out of your price range, and then DIY it…

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A Tea Towel set Giveaway! A Tea Towel set Giveaway!

Giveaway closed. Congrats to Emily Butler Maldonado for winning the two tea towels from Shapes & Colors Textiles! Welcome friends! I'm happy to announce that it's Giveaway Day! This week, Shapes and Colors Textiles is giving away a set of two, eco-friendly tea towels! I was immediately drawn to the …

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your questions answered / faq's about our ikea kitchen your questions answered / faq's about our ikea kitchen

For those of you new to my blog, In the Summer of 2012, Aubrey and I took on an kitchen renovation that combined the big box store cabinets (Ikea) with some high end items, budget items and of course - a few DIY's. The result of the hard work in months of planning and research paid off, and I am in …

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Sponsored post: Neybers - a kitchen with a twistSponsored post: Neybers - a kitchen with a twist

Je me suis amusée à créer une nouvelle pièce sur Neybers, ce site très addictif qui permet d'imaginer la pièce de vos rêves, de planifier un projet déco, ou tout simplement de s'amuser, tout en partageant vos créations avec la communauté Neybers. Comme d'habitude je passe des heures à choisir le sol…

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