I had a root canal done today. I adore my dentist, he has hands like an angel. But even still - I was freaking out and was suggesting they just knock me out with drugs to do it all. (They laughed and thought I was joking - and I assured them I was not)  I think the tension of it all - and the lead up to today, threw me off my game. I hate doctors appointments. I always feel like I'm going to go in for something and then they are going to tell me something bad is going to happen. Like my teeth are all going to fall out. Annnnnnd so - I haven't felt like journaling anything on this here blog. Apparently Aubrey knew I was stressed, it was pretty obvious. I think I was acting totally normal. Whatever. Maybe the six candy bar wrappers from last night were a giveaway. #StressEating

That being said alhough I haven't felt like writing much this week, I have felt the need to DECORATE! Our living room is stashed full of items for #ProjectPinkRoom and as you can see,...... there is a LOT of pink! Fingers crossed it comes together because seriously, this has been a whole whack load of fun, and buying things because we think they are awesome. A room revamp for the start of school for this little girl - well - makes me SO flippin' excited.

Ok. That's enough for tonight. Off to watch some trash TV and zone out. xo


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