I feel badly for the lack of quality posts lately - getting Oscar into the swing of things at school took more of a toll on me than I had anticipated and I misjudged the amount of energy it would zap out of me. I thought I would drop him off on the first day, I'd pick him up for lunches, I'd bring him back to school for the afternoon and between it all I'd be back to my old self of having time to run the shop, clean the house, do grocery shopping, get my leisurely coffee at Starbucks, and then write a thoughtful, meaningful post about design and decor, be inspired to do artwork, oh yeah, and get in some time at the gym and sit in the steam room and meditate. Yeah. A big ol' record scratch to my soundtrack of life and everything went pretty much opposite as to how I had anticipated it would go.

Oscar was having a hard time with being dropped off, was trying to escape the "play yard" at every drop off, which made me anxious every day and, heartbroken. I cried one afternoon after a drop off. I hate seeing him upset. The class size is pretty big, so mixed in with my own trepidation about it all, I was a nervous wreck. To minimize the stress on him (and, um, maybe me?) we ended up sending him for full days - he now has lunch there.

It has made the transition surprisingly better  Obviously each kid is different - although some kids would likely benefit from coming home at lunch, my kid just needs the consistency of staying from drop off, to the end of the day. Coming home to Mom made things worse. This week has gotten better, there hasn't been any crying, and I've felt some sense of relief and, comfort in how it's all shaping up. All of this to say, that life sometimes just throws you curve balls and you have to be ready to take them. And weather the bruises. I do have to say that having a great group of Mom's for me in the neighbourhood who had been through it all, were ridiculously supportive and kept reassuring me that it would pass. Although I was bracing myself for a year of heartbreaking drop offs - they were right and, it got better.

Anyhow, here are some shots from this week. xo

Top Left: Target is rolling out new items and I'm loving their pattern play on home decor pieces. Instant commentary on stock levels here in Canada, followed in the comments. I'm rooting for Target. I love their stores, I love their stuff, but I don't disagree with a lot of the comments that stock levels are still a little unpredictable. Posted to Instagram

Top Right: Thousands, and thousands of straws. :)

Bottom Left: I picked up this guy at Target for $40.00 and forgot to bring him into the house with me after buying him. He joined me on my drive to the dentists on Wednesday. I had to remind myself not to leave him in there, as so not to scare Oscar when I picked him up from school that night! (and I was getting hilarious reactions from fellow drivers on the ride) Posted to Instagram

Bottom Right: My favourite sayings, on pencils. :)

Have a great weekend, and thanks for sticking by me as I adjust to the new routines!

xo Lindsay


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