Ten years ago, I started my company. To the horror of my Mother I left a secure job, had no real backup plan - only a gut feeling that where I was working wasn't what was right for me. I owe a lot of thanks to a lot of people - my Mother included - because without her trepidation about my career move, I may not have taken the decision to resign so seriously. I also owe a lot to my Father - who I admired for his way of talking with people, conducting business, and treating people with kindness and respect - even in the times of pressure, stress and conflict. Anyways, perhaps one day I'll write it all down - the story of how I chose to resign, how I started the company, and the growth and changes, but what I really wanted to share today is how grateful I am to everyone who have stood beside me, behind me, and in front of me - giving me a hand to hold when I may have stumbled - all of whom who have helped me to follow my passion of being a creative. On first glance, to those who don't know the story, it may simply be an anniversary of a shop starting. But it's truly more than that - as a reader of my blog, you likely know that I throw my creativity in a lot of places - my house included. So although it is ten years of my shop, it is also the ten year anniversary of me taking a leap of faith - and never looking back. So I raise my glass to all of you, and cheers those that follow their passions, and support those who also want to do the same. xoxoxo

Pssst. The shop is having a sale - and some free gift offers. Check out the newsletter for those details. ;) 

*It's the job of a Mom to worry - when your eldest leaves what looks like a dynamite job for the unknown, I get why she was horrified. ;)

Candles are available here


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