So....time to reveal what the newlyweds picked as part of our Leon's collaboration! I'm going to break this up into two posts and as you can see from the above - I'm obviously revealing the sofa that they chose. The couch that they fell in love with is called the Tristan. Does it look familiar? If you recall from my first post, Peter really loved the Shea sofa - which looks idential to this one, but it was leather. If you've ever bought a couch, Leather is something you either dig, or don't - and Lindsay really wasn't into it - so this couch, an identical style but in a soft linen coloured fabric was an easy compromise. They loved the couch because of the style, but also, because this one was really, really comfy. Selfishly, I was excited about this choice because it really lent itself well to a a reveal. I mean, it's a GORGEOUS sofa. I've added in some fabric variations to the leather in this Pinterest board, to show you some varying styles that you can go, when you choose a sofa like this. But how are we going to style it? I wanted to go all Emily Henderson on them and add in awesome pops of colour like this.

But very quickly I realized that my style was very different from that of my brother and sister and pinks and purples weren't really on their wish list. While I was at the cottage for our vacation, I e-mailed my brother and asked him to just send me some words for how he'd describe how he wanted his place to feel. He wrote back "Rustic and comfortable". So, way off from what I was originally thinking.

So I'm leaning towards something like this. Plaid pillows, some finds that I've sourced from live auctions that I went to, etsy and other retailers. I wanted to show you both looks because a couch like the Tristan sofa can really switch from one look to another, with a change of things like art, and throw pillows.

I'm not a decorator, I just obsess over this kind of stuff and have a great deal of fun doing it. Personally, I think anyone can have a stylish home - given the right inspiration, tricks of where to shop and so on. Buying a gorgeous (well priced) couch from Leon's is a great starting point, especially for Peter and Linds who don't have anything yet. With that major item, we can source pillows from Etsy. Invest in a cool lamp from West Elm, add in cool rugs, and style that couch to really reflect someones individual style. Fingers crossed I can pull off the look in real life and not just here on the blog. Yikes! Anyhow, next up I'll show you what they picked for the bedroom!

Couch: Tristan Sofa, Leon's 
Plaid Pillows: Etsy
Floor Light: West Elm
Vintage Artwork: Etsy
Colourful Rug: Etsy
Colourful Pillows: Etsy 
Basket: Pottery Barn

This blog series has been sponsored by Leon's. I have not been compensated for this series, however Lindsay and Peter have been gifted key pieces of their choice from Leon's to furnish their place. All other items in the reveal are my own - so stay tuned to see what I've been picking up at antique shops and auctions. Follow my decorating fun for my little brother's first place by following the Hashtag #MyLeons and #DecoratingMyLittleBrothersPlace (Yup, that's a pretty long hashtag that I came up with)


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