friday observations

Happy Friday. Here are some shots from over the week.1. I picked up a Hape Alphabet Puzzle from Mastermind Toys for Oscar. 2. I think it's time I admitted I have a pillow obsession3. Anyone know where I could find a similar scarf as in this shot? Love the style. *Note, I love the length especially. …
La couleur par touche
Merci d'être si nombreux à participer au jeu concours! Pour ceux qui n'ont pas encore joué, vous avez encore jusqu'à mardi pour le faire en cliquant ici.L'appartement ci-dessous est situé au Danemark et appartient à Kristina Dam, graphiste et artiste, et sa famille. J'aime bien ce style épuré avec d…
new kitchen accessory...

Some girlfriends were visiting Monday and one of them presented me with a little kraft box from The Ontario Craft Council. I opened it up to find my very own Heydey Design ceramic jar that I have been coveting since the Spring One of a Kind Show and just blogged about. I flipped out. It's beautiful …

J'avais dit que je n'y allais pas. Que je n'avais pas le temps. J'ai mon shop et mon blog, je suis sur Facebook et Pinterest. Je suis déjà connectée en permanence. On ne peut pas être partout hein?!Et pourtant... et je ne sais pas comment c'est arrivé, mais j'y suis maintenant. Probablement en tant …
dishes // bone china

A few weeks ago Kay was asking via twitter where to find good white dishes and it made me think of our dishes that I adore. When Aubrey and I were married 8 years ago we received formal china for entertaining. But we totally cheaped out on our everyday plates. Total regret. Our everyday plates were…
thanks for the help....

I got a amazing feedback on where to find blue & white pottery much like the ones I found antiquing in cottage country. Shadi snapped a photo of a page from HGTV magazine (shown above) and it showed these Chinese Ginger Jars are from a shop (Thank you for taking that photo!) Robbin via …
Strek Collective

Coup de coeur du jour: Strek Collective, une coopérative créative fondée par quatre jeunes designers norvégiens avec la volonté "d'explorer l'inconnu et améliorer le connu". Superbe!Strek Collective va aussi exposer à Paris Design Week du 10-16 septembre :)Today's crush: Strek, a creative collective…
grouting surprises

Grouting the kitchen backsplash is complete. :) We had a little surprise when the grouting was done - Although the container from Home Depot said "Bright White" as you can see in the image below, it definitely isn't bright white. It's kind of gray .... no?Thankfully it was a happy surprise. For the…
By Nord AW2012

Jolie inspiration de la part de By Nord pour cet automne-hiver.Beautiful inspiration from By Nord for this autumn-winter. Photo By NordVous trouverez aussi une sélection By Nord dans ma boutique.You can also find a selection from By Nord in my shop.…
Making Ikea cabinets look custom

I have always loved the look of crown moulding around kitchen cabinetry, especially when you're using "Big Box Store" cabinets. I think it's one of the key elements in making something out of a flat packed box look custom. (See Carol Reed's blog for inspiration on ways to make Ikea kitchens look cus…
The All-White Color Palette -- Is It Alright for Staging?

Color is a powerful tool. You can use it to draw people in, relax them, excite them, or -- heaven forbid -- send them packing.What color scheme will you use to stage your home?I've blogged about choosing a paint color and I've blogged about different colors like periwinkle and cyan, and about specif…