[The washroom before we took possession]

So, we're doing another reno. Our main washroom. The last big reno inside our house. Crazy. Even though it's our last room to renovate - ideally I would like to put off this bathroom renovation for another year - financially it would being nicer (we did just complete a monster kitchen reno) and it would also give my nerves a rest. I'm only just recovering from the twitch I got during the kitchen reno. I stress over the details, so renovations make me toss and turn.*

I think I may have made the reason for the urgency in renovating sound more dramatic than it was. (Sorry) For the record I'm not expecting another baby (I can barely handle the one I have now) and we're not moving (although we do talk about it from time to time). The reason to renovate quickly is that the bathroom is actually falling apart in addition to developing mold.  The wall is squishy, making us terrified of what lies behind it....Obviously water has gotten behind the tiles. We're actually worried about it - which is why I perhaps sounded panicked in my last post.

To give you some background, the washroom was going to be renovated in 2008 when we took possession. Two things happened. The first thing was money - we decided to allocate our limited funds (we just bought a house so funds were low) to more pressing areas of the house like new floors and ceilings, which would be difficult to do once we moved in. Since the only fault of the washroom at the time was that it was ugly (and it was functioning), it seemed silly to invest in a room that could be put on hold. Secondly, it was going to be hard to renovate as we only had that one washroom at the time. Renovating the only washroom while living in the house - well, didn't make that much sense. So we decided that it made more sense to renovate when we had a second washroom which we knew we'd be adding with the basement renovation a few years later.

So in the meantime we made do with the washroom with some expense in freshening it up. I love my baths and showers, so we decided to invest some money in de-uglifying it. The first photo of this post is how we bought the house (gross) and a year after moving in we had a professional tile painting company come in and spray the entire room. Best investment ever. Costing around $1,000, it brightened up the room immediately.

The painting of the tile really make the washroom feel new for the last few years. I TOTALLY recommend doing it. Although it's not an end solution and chipping does occasionally does happen, it's made our washroom feel clean and new. (This is who we hired) But over time, problems behind the walls started to creep forward - and no professional painting company could hide the obvious grossness that was happening behind the scenes.

We knew it was getting bad. So last year Aubrey and I contemplated renovating this washroom prior to the kitchen. It was a toss up - and the kitchen won. But it wasn't without some debate that we may actually renovate the kitchen AND the bathroom at the same time. One mess, one cleanup. On paper it sounds logical. But it would have been financially difficult AND since we were project managing it the pressure to design two rooms was too much for me. So, the washroom got put off.

So that brings us up to speed on the bathroom. After almost 5 years of talking about the washroom we're actually doing it. :) We're planning to design it over the next 2 months, which allows me some time to design it and source the right items.

Sorry that this post was so long and text heavy. I felt like a full recap was was needed as we have had a few "false starts" in the past ;)

xo Lindsay

So some posts that led up to this post such as:
Bathroom Thoughts / Bigger Sink or, Bigger Counter? / Bathroom Tile Refinishing / Bathroom Mood Board

*Truthfully, as much as I groan over the idea of the stress of renovating a room, it's rather of obvious I do adore it. Aubrey and I get giddy when we see houses being gutted. 


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