I've been pinning and googling my brains out for Halloween. But in all honesty - I'm not going to get much farther than buying pre-made cookies, letting the kids slap on some icing and totally unhealthy candies ontop and call it a day. BUT, if you're looking for some inspiration, seeing as I'm not going to be the one doing it this year, here are some of my favourites. Keeping it real folks. Keeping. It. Real.

1. Martha Stewart Fanged Pumpkins (My favourite)
2. Carved Boo Jar
3. Thumbtack Pumpkin (Love the blue colour!)
4. Drilled Pumpkin - Get out those power tools!
5. Animal Pumpkins 
6. Pushpin Pumpkin (Confetti Style!!)
7. Double Dipped Pumpkin 

8. Halloween Toffee Apples
9. Skeleton Cookies - I tried to find the original post on this but had no luck. See this post for a similar project
10. Candy Corn Cookie Bites. Or just buy candy corn. Because that's what I do.
11. Kids like Hamburgers? Pumpkin-Cheeseburgers are pretty darn cute 
12. Mashed Potato Ghosts
13. Monster Cupcakes

Here are some ideas, and although some parts may be spooky for little kids - there are some great examples of Halloween decor that doesnt need to be too spooky. Flaoting hats? Check! Witches and Broomsticks? Check! 

14. Ghostbusters. Seriously amazing. She is pretty much the Queen of Halloween.
15. Harry Potter Themed Halloween Party (love the floating candles)
16. Again, she is amazing. Wizard of Oz. Love the floating hats shown here. 
17. Dancing Ghosts on the Lawn. I can't find the original source, but see this Pin. (Styrofoam Balls stuck on rebar...)
18. Giant Spiderweb!
19. Milk Jug Lights (So great for with little kids)
20. Put a Skeleton in the window. That's it. It's pretty hilarious.

And who says kids should have all the fun?
21. Halloween Playlist for Parties 
22. "Six Couple Costumers that your significant other won't be embarrassed to wear".  The title lies. Some of them I think I'd be mortified to be seen in. And Aubrey wouldn't speak to me if I made him wear some of them.
23. Family Costumes
24. The best.
25. This is my favourite song for Halloween. It happens to be french. This is going back a loooong time to my French Immersion days. 


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