I really do love my followers. Wonderful Faith from Pikes Place nominated Home Coming for a small blogger award! Faith has been a follower of my other blog, My Greatest Hits for awhile now, and has followed along with me to my next blogging endeavor.

The Liebster Award is given by bloggers to up-and-coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It's to show new bloggers that they are appreciated, and to help spread the word about new blogs. 

There are some rules that go along with it:

You must post 11 random things about yourself.
You must answer the questions the nominator set for you
You must create 11 questions for the 11 blogs that you've chosen to nominate
You must link to your 11 nominated blogs and let them know they were nominated.

So here are my 11 random facts:
01. Justin and I have moved a total of 9 times in the past 5 years.
02. We've lived in Minnesota, Colorado and Virginia.
03. I've historically been a Grinch around Christmas, but since returning to MN, I'm starting to become more festive.
04. My least favorite part of Christmas is trying to find gifts for the 14+ people I have on my list.
05 My best friends live all around the country (Arkansas, California, DC, North Carolina, Virginia, Illinois) but only 2 in Minnesota, and they live over 3 hours away!! Miss you girls!!!
06. I'm addicted to sugar like people are addicted to coffee (or cocaine). If I don't fill my sugar-fix each day, I get crazy-bad cravings! I even have dreams about cupcakes & cookies.
07. I'm an avid reader, reading 2-3 books a month and at least a dozen blogs weekly....or daily!
08. I'm a complete disaster on a bike. So I've decided to try and become a better biker and purchased my first road bike in September.
09. I'm also a complete disaster in the water, so I plan to take adult swim lessons in the future so I can participate in a triatholon someday.
10. I'm a marathon runner and try to run at least one race a year.
11.  In high school and college, I tried so hard to be a 'grown up' and now I'm trying desperately to NOT be a grown up. All I want to do is evade as many responsibilities as I can for as long as I'm able. 

Next up, here are Faith's questions for me (with my answers!)

01. What is your favorite movie of all time? Honestly, I'm not much of a movie person. I get much more into Television shows because you build such relationships with the characters week after week, year after year. I'm OBSESSED with Dexter, Homeland and The Walking Dead.
02. If you could have lunch with one person (living or dead), who would it be? This is a hard one....Madona?
03. Are you left handed or right handed? Righty!
04. What is your favorite room in your house? Until recently, I despised my entire house. But now that we're remodeling, I'm really starting to like my living/dining space.
05. What is your favorie food or drink? Donuts!!!! That's considered a food, right?
06. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?  I'd move back to Colorado in a heartbeat.
07. How long have you been blogging? I've been blogging for nearly two years now on my style blog, My Greatest Hits. This blog was birthed about 3 months ago.
08. What is your decorating style? I consider myself to be very modern. The cleaner the lines, the better.
09. Who is your favorite author? Jodi Picoult. She has such a way of developing her characters that I feel like they're part of my life.
10. What is your favorite song or artist? AWOLNATION. I'm such a suckeer for the rock/DJ combo that he's doing. I also love being part of a small, almost "underground" following. Once a band or artist 'makes it big', I'm no longer interested.
11. Do you have any weird habits? I get bored easily, so I'm always jumping from one project to the other, typically leaving a wake of un-finished projects around the house.

So, now it's time for me to nominate some wonderful bloggers that I'm obsessed with. Here are my nominations:

Congrats ladies! (yes, they're all ladies...)

And here are my questions for you lovely ladies:
01. Who is your favorite blogger that you follow religiously?
02. Do you read blogs across categories? Meaning home blogs vs. fashion blogs vs. family. Or do you focus on one area specicifally?
03. What is your favorite color to decorate or accessorize with?
04. What is your favorite room in your house?
05. Do you think that home style influences personal style, or vice versa?
06. What are you most hoping you'll get for Christmas?
07. What are you most excited for this Holiday?
08. If your home style were a TV sitcom or movie, which one would it be? (For example, do you have a Full House or Boy Meets World style home?)
09. Speaking of 90's sitcoms, what's th eone TV show that you wish was still on-air?
10. What's your favorite television show on-air now?
11. If you weren't blogging about your home, what would you be blogging about?


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