The DIY'ers

Welcome to The DIY'ers.

I'm finally ready to share my final product of the DIY Striped Curtains that I sneak peek'ed last week.

This was one helluva DIY that kept me busy for almost an entire week. The hard work paid off though, with some pretty kick ass looking curtains.



Mom and I first went in search of grey & white striped fabric to then sew longer curtains than what we could find in stores, but after coming up empty, we decided to buy standard white curtains and paint the grey stripes ourselves.

Based on the length of the curtains (84 inches) I decided I wanted 7 inch stripes of white & grey.

We measured and marked out 7 on the curtains then used blue painters tape to mark our lines like so, making sure that every other stripe was the full 7 inches, taped for the grey stripes.


We then used a roller brush to paint on the grey stripes. We did two coats for each stripe, which honestly took forever.  And now that I have the curtains hung, I realize I probably should have done a third coat but just don't have the energy or ambition to do so.


I'm pretty happy with how they turned out! While they are a little see through in some of the grey stripes, I'll likely just add a screened curtain behind to solve that problem.  

And now it's your turn! Show off your latest DIY projects below. 

The DIY'ers

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