I'm skipping this weeks Bits + Pieces post for documenting a pretty big moment. I met Vanilla Ice. I kid you not.  As much as I'd like to pass this off as we're BFF's and we were just hanging out and rocking the mic's like vandals - in reality I was invited to attend a preview party of "Vanilla Ice Goes Amish" a new show on the DIY Network staring - well, kind of obviously - Vanilla Ice. I've caught his other show, The Vanilla Ice Project before so I knew that he was into renovating and had skills other than music. I was pretty intrigued to see the new show and obviously to meet the man himself. More pictures and videos after the jump.

Backing up - I had a a wee obsession on this man as a pre-teen. He was a pretty big deal when we were growing up. Embarrassing fact - Ice Ice Baby was what would make me Hoot and Hollah' on the dance floor in University. Thinking back to that is pretty embarrassing. I can also rap the whole song. That I'm not embarrassed about. I'm quite proud of that skill.

I invited my brother Peter - And got major bonus points and likely a lifetime of free babysitting because of the invite. I may have been saying "Go Ninja, Go Ninja Go!" Around the house hours leading up to the event - and getting major eye rolls from Aubrey. (Which - case in point - is why he wasn't invited as my plus one)

At the event we all watched the first episode with Vanilla Ice himself sitting with us. Ok, so here is the thing. The show was actually pretty hilarious and, surprisingly - good.  I worried it would be like the Simple Life where the star were mocked a culture - you know, place a celebrity in a more basic living environment and you get awkward TV and humour that I'm not a fan of. But I was relieved that there was zero of that. Robert was respectful to the community and it made for interesting TV. The couple on the first episode is SO cute and you can't help but really like them. It also gave a pretty nice peek into the world of the Amish. Vanilla Ice Goes Amish premiers on the DIY Network, Saturday October 12th

Anyhow, the night ended with me coming up with awesome hashtags on twitter like #StopRenovateAndListen - because, you know. I'm pretty nerdy like that.  Anyhow, just had to share. You can see more pictures from the event including over my facebook page. 

I do have to mention that he was a great sport - taking pictures with everyone, no attitude like I expected from someone like him - he was genuinely nice and easy to talk to. Here is a little video of him at the event. ;)
    Thanks for letting me post about how I'm a huge nerd. Happy Friday! ;)


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