Oscar's birthday party was this past Sunday and we did much the same as we did last year  - we invited Oscar's friends, along with their brothers and sisters and parents over for a family BBQ.  Aubrey and I decided that this year instead of buying gifts for him we'd buy a Little Tikes Jump 'N Slide bouncy castle when we saw it on sale at Toys R' Us for $199. (Well, I may have picked up a few Cars toys for him, because he does love them so). Our justification was because of the amount of kids in the area, and our love of having them over - we knew that we'd get a lot of use out of it to make it a worthwhile purchase. Years ago I wondered what kind of parent bought those monstrosities. Turns out they are ridiculously cute. Whoops! Yeah. Classic foot in mouth.

The details of the party were minimal, but even "minimal" parties it takes a lot of work. Oscar asked for a cake in the shape of a 4, we did a Pinata, had out bubbles, chalk, popcorn machine and a tattoo station. Throughout the garden I had plastic dollar store dinosaurs placed holding balloons (shown in the top photo).

The party was basically .... the kids just bounced, ate lunch on blankets on the grass, ate cake, played, bounced, hit the pinata, opened presents, ran around because we gave them sugar and then the party was over and I went and had a nap. Oh, and if you want to see how ridiculously cute four year olds are when bouncing on a bouncy castle is, this video is for you.

Aren't they adorable? Those little legs. Ugh. I love this age. Anyhow, there you go! Our 4th birthday party. Here's his first birthday party (his 1st cake), (we skipped the 2 year old party) , and 3rd.

xo Lindsay


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