Oscar turned four yesterday. Four. Where did the time go? He is such a great kid, full of love, life, kindness, comedic entertainment. We started his day with his swimming lesson - When he has his lesson, I go to the restaurant at the club so that he doesn't get distracted by me. When I came to pick him up 30 minutes later - he was so excited to show me that he was comfortable jumping from the little platform in the water, into Zoe's (his teachers) arms. To anyone else that may seem so little and not really a big deal. But Oscar is rather apprehensive about the water and getting his face wet, so to see him do this step and, to be proud of himself- was the biggest moment for me. I love seeing him proud of something he has done.  Even now, writing it, my heart is bursting with pride for my little guy. We spent the rest of the day doing things he wanted to do. We went to Mastermind with Grandma, got a Gelato, and then had dinner with family. I took some moments to carrying him when we were out - I still love carrying him when we walk as he nuzzles his face into my neck and wraps his arms around my neck. I`m sure it looks so ridiculous me carrying a grown boy around, but for me I know these moments won`t be forever - one day he won`t let me carry hims and hold him - and even if he would, one day - he will be too big. We ended the night with tucking him into bed and then at midnight - the same ritual as every night. 

I did my second talk for Telus this past week over at the Shops at Don Mills and was way less nervous than the first talk in Oakville. The first time is always a learning process, and so this past one was smooth sailing. Thank you to everyone who has come out to the first two talks, I really appreciate it and the dialogue we have shared. My next one, and last one, is next week in my area of the Beach and I`m so excited, plus it is in the evening so it's kind of like a night out for me! I know. I lead an exciting, exciting life.

Anyhow, enough of me rambling - here are some links to end the week.

I've said it before, but I love how Target teamed up with three top Pinterest pinners to create collections. The second collection being rolled out is PoppyTalk's and I am OBSESSED with the picture above that they released with it. Read more over on PoppyTalk's blog.

I'm looking for lighting for our back deck, and I'm thinking of something like this

We're thinking of building (one day) a car port for our back lane way so I can have an area to paint furniture and such, and also, protect our car from snow in the winter. Ideally I'd build a huge garage but the price is pretty prohibitive.

Cameron MacNeil posted a picture of an outdoor couch on Instagram that he's using from Cocoon, by Lee Industries for a project. My comment on the picture is pretty much what I'm still thinking. It is CRAZY gorgeous.

I have a thing for vintage Ice Cream items. I'm not sure why. But this and this are pretty awesome. And I think one of these are required too - although not vintage. Ack. Wouldn't they be cute in a kitchen?

Have a great weekend! xo Lindsay


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