Oscar, like most kids his age, says the most interesting, hilarious, insightful, innocent and on occasion, embarrassing things. I sometimes lie in bed and crack up telling Aubrey about them at the end of the day. Other days, they make me tear up. As a little project for myself I'm going to do quick sketches of what he occasionally says. I think it will be an interesting way of remembering what he says but also, more importantly for me, a nice reminder of how he views the world. Because they do grow and change rather quickly. And his innocence and views are really heartwarming for me.

A few days ago while driving, Oscar asked me from the back seat "Mommy, how does Grandpa come down from Heaven?" Caught off guard, I responded with "Ummmm." I sputtered and mumbled thought and had no idea how to respond. I mean, come down from heaven? He wanted to know how he came down??

I finally said "Well, Oscar, I don't know how he comes down." Thoughts were running through my head as to how to respond, how to explain that he doesn't really come down, but how would I say that? Anyhow, there was a short pause and Oscar spoke up again from the back seat and said very matter of factly.... "Maybe he uses a ladder." And obviously I responded. "Yes. Maybe he uses a ladder." Conversation done. Great parenting right there for you. Suggestions welcomed on how to deal with this kind of conversation - Obviously, I need all the help I can get.


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