Saturday afternoon Oscar and I organized our craft cupboard. I've never posted it before because it looked like a bomb went off in it, and no one could go in except I, as only I knew how to take things out, like Jenga - so nothing would fall out. I decided the cupboard was originally designed for Oscar - Part of the reason we extended the counter into the eat in kitchen was to gain extra storage space for things like this. Anyways, I needed to address making it more easy to find things. I added in more shelves from Ikea, went to the dollar store and stocked up on more craft supplies so the cupboard was stocked better and, emptied it all out so I saw what we were working with.

I collect jars - Jam jars, pickle jars (the best) as they are awesome for storing items in. Although I prefer big plastic bins for markers and crayons, as you have to sort to find the best colours - jars are great for dollar store craft items like wood balls, sticks, pegs and glitter. On one of the doors I cut a page protector in half and taped it to the door, so it was a clean pocket to hold Oscar's sticker collection. In plain sight - more likely to get used.

We do a lot of crafts on the floor. I find it more fun than at the table, you can spread out.

Cleaning the cupboard led to painting in the kitchen, and then a big bubble bath afterwards to clean up the boy. ;) Anyhow, if this post is about anything, it's to encourage you to save those pickle jars and also, to buy a bunch of random craft supplies to have on hand, even if you have no immediate plans to use them. That leads to the best creative projects.


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