bits + pieces from over on instagram
Someone wrote a response to a post this week that they felt my blog was becoming "soulless". Although no one enjoys hearing criticism, no matter how worded, I did feel that at the core of what they were saying was that my content had changed (and they weren't too pleased) While contemplating the comment, I felt that this post from 2012 where I addressed a shift in content on my blog is just as applicable today as it was as the day that I wrote it.

Content shifts on personal blogs, such as my own, are a natural occurrence over time. Is it even necessary to address? No, not all the time. But perhaps it needs to be done in this case as my content shift this time is less about no longer doing renovations, but  more so to do with the incorporation of monetization - in particular, affiliate links.

As I write on my disclosure page, affiliate links are " links to shops that will reimburse me if you click on a link and make a purchase. ....Affiliate links are not harmful to your computer and I don't know who clicks on them or, who purchases what."  Even though I've been sharing what I love and find inspiring on sites like Etsy since 2004, (well before affiliate links were popular or, available) I've only lately been using them on my site.

Affiliate links are commonplace on blogs although relatively new to mine. They are a funny thing - a little bit of an ad perhaps, as the blogger gets compensated, but the affiliate link isn't as obvious as a sponsorship with a company. So, I feel as though it makes people feel uncomfortable. I know it has with me when I see them on other blogs but over time, I've grown accustomed to it. Love them or hate them, affiliate links are popular and I  like using them on my blog because it does allow me to show what I love and on occasion, get compensation.

I'm not writing this blog to make money, I'm writing it for other reasons - but it would be ridiculous of me to not accept income if presented. So although I maintain my blog is not a business, and, not something I think could ever could be a career in Canada, I won't turn down the opportunity to make some money if it fits within my radar of what is appropriate.

So as I I discuss the  fact that I make money on occasion from my blog, I think it's important to write about why I blog. I'm sure it's different for everyone but in my case, I often correlate it to being back in school, when we had weekly art assignments that pushed us out of our boundaries and made us look at things in different lights. Blogging for me is much like that. It's a hobby for me, I get to put together fun posts like this and share what I love and think is sweet.  I enjoy the challenge in trying to take awesome photos, like this photo I'm proud of, and these photos of these.  Although some look at blogging as connecting with other bloggers and it being a "blogging community" I see it less as such - (I think sometimes that's a little cliquey and unwelcoming to others) but instead my blog is a way of personal expression.

And so as we go into the weekend, I write this - We all blog for different reasons, mine is for creative expression and sharing things I love. Making money from something you love isn't a bad thing either, for some reason though with blogs it is viewed as taboo. It's important to know that change is inevitable and I appreciate sometimes change means some people stop reading as new readers join in.

xo Lindsay


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