I occasionally write about my business musings that go on over here. I know it's likely a limited group of people that would find it interesting - but it's such a significant part of my life that it feels odd not to explore ideas and business developments on my blog. On the slim chance that some may find it helpful to be hear my inner dialogue about business, triggering inspiration or, contemplation of your own - I press "publish" with the hope it maybe be helpful to some. So here is what is happening --- Over the last three months some changes have been brewing. When you're a business owner, the time for change isn't always apparent - or welcomed. The feeling brews and makes you uncomfortable and you wonder silently what is wrong....

I felt the tides of change coming right after Christmas. It started with the feeling that I didn't want to work. I wasn't inspired. I was in a slump. I'm sure 90% of that was associated to finishing a busy Christmas season and never wanting to pack another order. But the uneasy feeling stuck around too long to be associated to pure seasonal overdrive. I talked with Aubrey about it. Did I want to close my shop? No. I loved running a business. So what was it? My shop felt too full - out of whack. Something was wrong.

What was wrong wasn't clear to me. However the fact that I knew that I didn't want to close my shop was a place to start. So if I didn't want to stop working, what did I have to change about my work to make it more enjoyable? Something had to change, but I couldn't figure out what. I would work through scenarios in my head. Should to push my business into a new direction - get bigger? If I were to look 10-20 years down the line, what would that end goal be - what would be a great career?

My business has a lot of components, too many I wondered, so I decided to look at each individually.

Stamps. Should the growth of my business be in getting a warehouse and revving up my stamp production? Immediately I knew that my passion is designing stamps, not owning a stamp production warehouse. I'd leave the world domination of stamps to someone else. This part of my business makeup was fine "as is" and obviously not what was itching for change.

I looked at my accessories. I debated if I wanted to get into growing my accessory line, build up my online business. I know I have a good eye, I know what sells. I have great relationships with vendors -  but storage for the stock is an issue and plus, it's a lot of money to invest in stock. You have to buy a lot of it upfront and so a lot of money is sitting in products in our home. That puts a financial strain on our family. It's a risk you do, when you want to grow a business but I don't want to move my business out of my home because I love being here for Oscar. Although I love accessories, I've decided to keep that "as is" and carry only a really "curated" collection of awesome things. So that area of my business wasn't requiring change either.

Then, I debated stationery. I got into stationery somewhat accidentally 10 years ago. The business was initially going to be art prints - but custom stationery quickly took over and became my primary focus. It was my bread and butter once. But now it didn't feel like it had a place in my shop.

In 2004, The Penny People characters were the primary focus of my shop. 

Over the years the collection has changed, I dropped the cartoon characters from the line because once again, I changed and realized I didn't like drawing them anymore. And over the last year my stationery line has dwindled and, my passion for it has really shifted. Not only has my passion for making stationery changed, but I'm preferring buying other peoples stationery more than my own. I'm in love with Etsy sellers that are so creative, and companies like Rifle Paper Co.  That was a a big ah-ha moment for me.  I had never really thought about it. But when faced with looking at it long term, and in terms of growth - stationery wasn't something I wanted to be doing. That was a CRAZY realization. So that ah-ha moment was a big one - and the result is pretty surprising to me. I'm phasing out stationery. Coming to that conclusion lifted this weight from me. This was what was not sitting right.

Then I was left with considering the final piece of the pie - my artwork. My art. Oh, my art prints. I adore them. I get excited coming up with new designs, seeing the art in kids rooms, family walls. Working with my art publisher. This area of my life is my joy. So that was another big realization - my passion and love was in my art.

And that was by big moment of realization. Something needed to be dropped from my life, in order to  grow something else. Stationery was going, and my art prints were growing.

Sometimes you need to think of the bigger picture - even if it may be unattainable, you have to think "what if". For me that was considering what would have to happen in order to grow areas of my business. The warehouse spaces and working outside of home just weren't what I wanted to be doing, and that was necessary in order to grow most of the pieces of my company.

I appreciate this is a long winded post but I think it's important as business owners, even if we're running small, medium or large businesses, is to be aware of change - embrace it even if it is uncomfortable and not exactly what you thought it would be. Never in a million years did I think I would drop my stationery from my shop. But here I am, weaning it out because not only has my business changed but I've changed. I also never imagined my art in retail stores, or having catalogs of designs. I'm truly honored to have this as part of my life.

I really appreciate all of the support many of you give, with my blog, my business, my art - it's terribly daunting to put things "out there" especially when they are explaining moments of insecurity or self doubt. I appreciate your readership, and kindness - so thank you.

xo Linds

Ps., The picture is of one of my pieces of art found at HomeSense - a few pieces are coming into stores framed and look AMAZING. 


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